Why are we proposing these renovations?

    The Earlington/West Hill neighborhood has only one public athletic facility: a basketball court at Earlington Park. Besides this court, the nearest facilities are at Renton High School, which is only accessible by traveling down to and crossing Rainier Avenue, one of the city's busiest and widest streets.

    To improve access to athletic facilities in the neighborhood, the City is pursuing a State grant that, if awarded, would help us expand and renovate athletic facilities at the park, including renovating the basketball court and improving field drainage to support pickup soccer, volleyball, etc. The grant could also fund adding pickleball court striping and a Portland Loo restroom, if desired by the community.

    Separate from athletic improvements funded by the State grant (if awarded), Earlington Park's playground will be replaced next year, as part of the City's cycle of replacement. Parks staff will engage more with the community in early 2025 on the playground design.