Neighborhood Forum: Introducing the Neighborhood Program

Introducing the Neighborhood Program, located in the Equity, Housing, and Human Services Department. This new department, with Administrator Maryjane Van Cleave and Neighborhood Program Coordinator, Rhemy King, exists to equitably and meaningfully serve residents. As Renton's demographics and communities change over time, it is essential to respond with respect, inclusion, and engagement with everyone.

Almost every department in the City was present at this forum because we value you and your communities. Each department engaged with residents to put names and titles to faces to build relationships and understandings of how we serve you. Departments and representatives include:

  • Community and Economic Development, represented by Donna Locher
  • Equity, Housing, and Human Services (with the Neighborhood Program), represented by Chan Te and Benita Horn
  • Executive Services, represented by Ryan Spencer and Michelle Theurer
  • Finance, represented by Ariel Llorach
  • Legal, represented by Leila Curtis
  • Parks and Recreation, represented by Jennifer Spencer
  • Renton Police Department, represented by Jeffrey Hardin
  • Public Works, represented by Ron Straka and Ellen Talbo
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