Neighborhood BBQs

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Thank you for joining us for our 2023 Neighborhood BBQs. It was a blast hosting and supporting the gathering and festivities of community members across neighborhoods. View highlights from the 2023 BBQs here, and stay tuned for 2024!

Neighbor - A person living near or next door. Maintaining social connections within your neighborhood ensures safety, fosters trust, and provides youth with an environment where they feel confident to learn and grow.

The Neighborhood Program would like to host gatherings that encourage residents to gather and create a sense of community.

Thank you for joining us for our 2023 Neighborhood BBQs. It was a blast hosting and supporting the gathering and festivities of community members across neighborhoods. View highlights from the 2023 BBQs here, and stay tuned for 2024!

Neighbor - A person living near or next door. Maintaining social connections within your neighborhood ensures safety, fosters trust, and provides youth with an environment where they feel confident to learn and grow.

The Neighborhood Program would like to host gatherings that encourage residents to gather and create a sense of community.

Let's Talk!

Please leave any questions you might have, and we will answer them here!

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  • Share Renton has islands of neighborhoods, would there be opportunities for sponsorship or assistance from Renton government for individual neighborhoods to hold events to encourage localized connections? At the very least assistance in advertising (more than the individual in said neighborhood knocking on doors). on Facebook Share Renton has islands of neighborhoods, would there be opportunities for sponsorship or assistance from Renton government for individual neighborhoods to hold events to encourage localized connections? At the very least assistance in advertising (more than the individual in said neighborhood knocking on doors). on Twitter Share Renton has islands of neighborhoods, would there be opportunities for sponsorship or assistance from Renton government for individual neighborhoods to hold events to encourage localized connections? At the very least assistance in advertising (more than the individual in said neighborhood knocking on doors). on Linkedin Email Renton has islands of neighborhoods, would there be opportunities for sponsorship or assistance from Renton government for individual neighborhoods to hold events to encourage localized connections? At the very least assistance in advertising (more than the individual in said neighborhood knocking on doors). link

    Renton has islands of neighborhoods, would there be opportunities for sponsorship or assistance from Renton government for individual neighborhoods to hold events to encourage localized connections? At the very least assistance in advertising (more than the individual in said neighborhood knocking on doors).

    RodneyG asked over 1 year ago

    Yes, the Neighborhood Program supports all recognized Renton neighborhood gatherings. Please feel free to check out the "Party Like a BlockStar" link for more details!

Page last updated: 29 Sep 2023, 01:01 PM