Park Concept Alternatives
The design concepts presented here incorporate feedback received during the initial engagement process, while also maintaining a broader goal of balancing park programming with conservation of adjacent natural areas. Key components considered across both design alternatives include a play area, trails, open lawn and seating, opportunities for interpretation and education, an enclosed off-lease area, and sport courts. Initial community engagement results are presented at the end of this newsfeed.
We invite your feedback on these initial concepts. What do you like? What don't you like? Should these concepts be blended or combined in some way?
Design Concept: Focus on Park Recreation and Trail Access
This concept considers opportunities to maximize park programming and trail access, while also balancing conservation of adjacent natural resources throughout thoughtful trail design and alignment.
(Please note that the area bound by a dashed black line is private property and features shown in this location are for planning purposes only. Development in this location is not possible at this time.)
Design Concept: Focus on Passive Recreation and Limited Access
This concept focuses primarily on passive recreation with limited trail access. This design considers completely avoiding many areas of the site.
(Please note that the area bound by a dashed black line is private property and features shown in this location are for planning purposes only. Development in this location is not possible at this time.)
Precedent Examples and Trail Sections
The images show examples of features being contemplated for the new NE Renton Park, as well as illustrative cross-sections of typical paved and soft surface trails.
Community Engagement Results
Initial community engagement focused around the theme of park opportunities, constraints, and general programming themes. We worked to reach a broad cross-section of the community, notably in the vicinity of the future park itself, by sending over 4,000 mailers to residents within a 1/2 mile radius of the proposed new park site, receiving written feedback through this project website, emails, letters, and in-person at the Renton Community Center, Highlands Neighborhood Center, and the Renton Senior Center. We are excited by the community's enthusiasm around this project and look forward to hearing your thoughts on these initial alternatives. Initial community engagement results are summarized in the image below.

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