Renton Youth Sector

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The 2023 Civic Academy Program has come to a conclusion. Congrats graduates! 

It’s not too late to give feedback for what you’d like to see in our new Renton Youth Sector!

We want to know what interests you, the impact you’d like to have, and what you hope to get out of participating.

Listed are some general-interest categories for you to choose from, all of which can be incorporated into our program alongside some super fun team building outings throughout! Drop a suggestion, thought, or comment.

To start your RYS journey, make sure to join us for our Renton Academy of Civic Services (RACS) Teen Edition course, where you can learn the ins-and-outs of our city, hear from different departments and divisions, and decide where you'd like to get involved; all while gaining community service hours!

Check out what we discuss each week in our news feed below!

Graduation from RACS includes a certificate of completion and class photos with the mayor, and membership to our Renton Youth Sector!

Register Here to participate in our free 6-week RACS Teen Edition Course!

Register Here to become an official Renton Youth Sector member, and receive important updates on upcoming programming! Please be sure to provide your feedback below.

We hope to see you soon!

It’s not too late to give feedback for what you’d like to see in our new Renton Youth Sector!

We want to know what interests you, the impact you’d like to have, and what you hope to get out of participating.

Listed are some general-interest categories for you to choose from, all of which can be incorporated into our program alongside some super fun team building outings throughout! Drop a suggestion, thought, or comment.

To start your RYS journey, make sure to join us for our Renton Academy of Civic Services (RACS) Teen Edition course, where you can learn the ins-and-outs of our city, hear from different departments and divisions, and decide where you'd like to get involved; all while gaining community service hours!

Check out what we discuss each week in our news feed below!

Graduation from RACS includes a certificate of completion and class photos with the mayor, and membership to our Renton Youth Sector!

Register Here to participate in our free 6-week RACS Teen Edition Course!

Register Here to become an official Renton Youth Sector member, and receive important updates on upcoming programming! Please be sure to provide your feedback below.

We hope to see you soon!

The 2023 Civic Academy Program has come to a conclusion. Congrats graduates! 

  • Week 1 - Introduction and Expectations

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    Before you learn what we did on Week 1, go to the poll and the Parks and Recreation Ideas and give us feedback on the discussion points. We'd love to hear from you!!

    On our first day we:

    • Took a quick tour of City Hall
    • Got an overview of the city infrastructure
      • Divisions report to Chief Administrative Officer (CAO)
      • CAO reports to the Mayor
      • Mayor, City Council, and Judges report to residents

    Learned about:

    • Intention and plans for the Renton Youth Sector.
      • It's whatever we want to make of it!
      • Our options can be:
        • Visiting Olympia and learning about state government
        • Engaging in meaningful legislative conversations that impact our city
        • Create opportunities for learning and involvement for teens around Renton
        • Plan an art installation that represents teen residents
        • Maybe even a camping retreat!!
    • The City of Renton - Neighborhood Program
      • It's the other half of the Civic Academy duo (with Recreation)
      • Empowers residents of all ages to have a voice and connect with government


    • We are worth it and our time is worth it.
      • If we had to put a number to it, we're not worth just $5 an hour. We are work at least $25, maybe even $1,000 or $1M!
      • If we participate in city conversations or have the opportunity to sit at decision making tables, our voices should be heard because we have important perspective to share.
    • We live, play, and learn in this city.
      • The teens in Renton represent a population that spends the MAJORITY of our days in our city. We know what's going on and have opinions, ideas, suggestions about how it can be better or is already awesome.
    • We can ASK for anything. By asking, we allow others to say yes/no.
      • We won't get what we don't ask for - like Takis, Flaming Hot Cheetos, or Boba

    Looking forward to our next session on Thursday, April 20th!