Earlington Park - 2024 Renovation Planning

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Thank you for your valuable feedback on preliminary Earlington Park Renovation Plans. We are still in the running for a $1.2M State Grant for athletic and support facilities (e.g., restrooms). We need your input once more as we finalize a grant application due in late June.

What's in the works:

  • Athletic Renovations/Expansions: We're pursuing grant funding that, if awarded, would pay for select renovations and expansions to park facilities. Please scroll down to view the Alternative Renovation Plans below and participate in the survey to indicate your preference.
  • Playground Renovation: In the near term, we have ordered a replacement for the broken climber equipment to improve playability. However in 2025 we'll be replacing the entire playground. The playground is funded regardless of our success with the State grant.

What we heard from engagement activities in May:
  • Broad support for retaining the loop trail, improving the field drainage but leaving natural grass, renovating the basketball court, and renovating the playground.
  • Moderate support for adding a new Portland Loo restroom (check one out at Kiwanis or Philip Arnold Park).
  • New Ideas like adding pickleball striping on or adjacent to the basketball court - players to provide net.
  • Swings, a zip-line, and rope play structures are of interest for the playground (we'll engage more on the playground in early 2025).
  • Support for exercise stations that are possible but not eligible under this grant.
  • Traffic concerns. Interventions (e.g., speed cushions) require a neighborhood contact to start the
    process: seeclickfix.com/renton.

What we need from you:

  • Take a Brief Survey: We have four alternative plans that we’d like park users to rank.
  • Provide a letter or drawing of support for our grant application
  • Subscribe to stay informed about the project and future engagement opportunities

Thank you for your valuable feedback on preliminary Earlington Park Renovation Plans. We are still in the running for a $1.2M State Grant for athletic and support facilities (e.g., restrooms). We need your input once more as we finalize a grant application due in late June.

What's in the works:

  • Athletic Renovations/Expansions: We're pursuing grant funding that, if awarded, would pay for select renovations and expansions to park facilities. Please scroll down to view the Alternative Renovation Plans below and participate in the survey to indicate your preference.
  • Playground Renovation: In the near term, we have ordered a replacement for the broken climber equipment to improve playability. However in 2025 we'll be replacing the entire playground. The playground is funded regardless of our success with the State grant.

What we heard from engagement activities in May:
  • Broad support for retaining the loop trail, improving the field drainage but leaving natural grass, renovating the basketball court, and renovating the playground.
  • Moderate support for adding a new Portland Loo restroom (check one out at Kiwanis or Philip Arnold Park).
  • New Ideas like adding pickleball striping on or adjacent to the basketball court - players to provide net.
  • Swings, a zip-line, and rope play structures are of interest for the playground (we'll engage more on the playground in early 2025).
  • Support for exercise stations that are possible but not eligible under this grant.
  • Traffic concerns. Interventions (e.g., speed cushions) require a neighborhood contact to start the
    process: seeclickfix.com/renton.

What we need from you:

  • Take a Brief Survey: We have four alternative plans that we’d like park users to rank.
  • Provide a letter or drawing of support for our grant application
  • Subscribe to stay informed about the project and future engagement opportunities
Page last updated: 26 Jun 2024, 02:22 PM