2026 Parks, Recreation, and Open Space Plan
Parks, open space, and recreation are essential to Renton’s vibrant and healthy future. Every six years, the Parks and Recreation Department collaborates with the community, partners, and stakeholders to update Renton's Parks, Recreation, and Natural Areas Plan. As part of this update, we will also rename it the "Parks, Recreation, and Open Space Plan" (PROS Plan). The update will assess the current state of our facilities and programs, incorporate community input and feedback, identify service gaps, and propose strategies, projects, and programs to address those gaps. These strategies, along with a prioritized capital improvement plan, will be finalized in the PROS Plan, which we aim to complete and adopt by early 2026.
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Mission, Vision, and Goals. As Renton’s population grows and changes, so do the challenges and opportunities in supporting community well-being. Recently, the Parks and Recreation Department has developed a new Mission statement to align with the National Recreation and Parks Association's (NRPA) three strategic pillars.
Parks and Recreation Mission: To provide exceptional parks and recreational opportunities that enrich the health, wellness, and quality of life for all Renton residents while ensuring equitable access and the preservation of our natural resources and city’s history.
During this PROS Plan update, the Mission statement will be revisited, along with the departmental vision and goals for the future.
Supporting community well-being. The NRPA defines well-being through several evidence-based frameworks that leverage the strengths, assets, and opportunities within parks and recreation to advance equity, resilience, and community health. The seven interdependent dimensions of well-being are: cultural, economic, environmental, intellectual, mental, physical, and social. At the heart of these dimensions is equity, reflecting a deep commitment to ensuring the benefits of parks, open spaces, and recreation are shared by all.
These interconnected dimensions, along with other guiding principles and metrics, will help shape this PROS Plan update. Recognizing that our community is unique, we are eager to engage with a diverse range of voices throughout the PROS Plan update to ensure the end product reflects a future for parks, recreation, and open space that is uniquely Renton.
Tell us about your favorite City of Renton Park or Trail
The City of Renton Parks and Trails have so many wonderful adventures to offer. Tell us how you Renton Parks and Recreation!